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What is a Nurse Practitioner?

Image by Sasun Bughdaryan

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What an NP can provide

NPs are more than just health care providers; they are mentors, educators, researchers and administrators. Their involvement in professional organizations and participation in health policy activities at the local, state, national and international levels helps to advance the role of the NP and ensure that professional standards are maintained.


Lower Health Care Costs: By providing high-quality care and counseling, NPs can lower the cost of health care for patients. For example, patients who see NPs as their primary care provider often have fewer emergency room visits, shorter hospital stays and lower medication costs.


Patient Satisfaction: With more than 1.06 billion visits made to NPs each year, patients report an extremely high level of satisfaction with the care they receive.


Primary Care Shortage Solution: By offering high-quality, cost-effective, patient-centered health care, NPs provide more than 355,000 solutions to the primary care shortage facing America today.

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